
Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 415

  • From Capitol Hill

    Rep. Scott Moore|Jan 15, 2025

    Legislative News The holidays have come and gone, and I hope everyone had a safe and prosperous 2024. Now as we enter 2025 Governor Noem presented her budget December 3, 2024, to the South Dakota legislatures and the public. If you didn’t have a chance to travel to Pierre or listen to South Dakota Broadcasting the short version is revenues are projected to be down, and expenses are up. The governor mentions the need to start two new programs, a $4,000,000.00 school voucher program, and $10,000.000.00 over five years for school security p...

  • Letters

    Oct 30, 2024

    To the Editor: VOTE NO You may or may not be aware of four measures that will be in our November ballot. As an Edmunds County precinct committeeman, I feel it my duty to give you some insight. Let it be known that every one of these measures has been introduced by entities outside of this state. Allowing anyone of these measures to pass will change the dynamics of South Dakota. Measure H Open Primaries – South Dakota hasn’t had an open primary since 1917. This measure would change our elections by allowing other parties to pick each oth...

  • Letters

    Sep 18, 2024

    To the Editor: I will never claim to be an engineer but after reviewing the city topography and the strategy for this curb and gutter plan, it doesn’t appear to make sense. While 100 + old trees are being removed, lowering property values, it wouldn’t solve the issue of flooding in yards. It may move water down the street faster and front yards like on 10th may drain into the street, but what about the properties in the rest of the town that are graded lower than the street level? Word has it that an amendment is being tossed around to now inc...

  • Letters

    Sep 4, 2024

    To the Editor: If you’re a ward member on the Ipswich city council is not promoting ALL these concepts than they should be voted out: Safety, Security, Cleanliness of the City, Transparency, Fiscal Responsibility I’ve also been informed by the city Finance Officer that our city council doesn’t want to provide email addresses. The Edmunds County council does, along with many other city/county councils throughout the state. Why not this council? Why would they want interruptions of phone calls and multiple text messages instead? I’ve asked t...

  • Fiddlin' Around

    Sep 4, 2024

    We all love a holiday. In our case Labor Day is enjoyed because there is not a program to attend. But the day after the Monday holiday is always tough. Too many forget to send their newpaper items early or send us items on Tuesday. In most cases we aren’t able to use those. Thank you to those who used the early deadline!...

  • Fiddlin' Around

    -deg|Aug 14, 2024

    It has become somewhat of a tradition. Staying up late in hopes of seeing a falling star. The Perseid meteor show hit its peak on Aug. 12. Experts say the Perseids are best viewed from midnight to dawn. The more sky, the better. Find an area with clear view of the horizon, away from trees and tall buildings. It has been tougher to stay up to hope for the shower. Tena first heard of the meteor show during college at USD. Friends, a science student, suggested sitting up to see the show....

  • Letters

    Aug 14, 2024

    To the Editor: If you’ve not noticed, our county commissioners have decided to raise our taxes for roads and bridges. The tax would be $.50 per thousand. Now while some of you may think that is a good thing, the brunt of the tax levy will again be brought on us, the property owners! I emailed the commissioners on July 26 and asked them three simple questions. 1) Is this a one time only tax 2) How was the tax increase calculated 3) Why are the property owners carrying the load for this tax. Apparently, our commissioners either don’t read ema...

  • Fiddlin' Around

    -deg|Aug 7, 2024

    What a difference a few days makes. We cooked Saturday in the heat and Monday it was wet and cold. Friday evening and Saturday afternoon we enjoyed the Pauer of Music Festival in Aberdeen’s Central Park. There were musicians from all over the country. We checked out a few sales Saturday....

  • Fiddlin' Around

    Jul 31, 2024

    Now we have another weekend to search for rummage goodies. The Ipswich Commercial Club has their annual City-Wide Rummage Sale on Saturday. If you look at the ads on page 9 of this week’s Tribune you find other places to search for treasures. We get emails with stories with a variety of topics. Today there was one with the best and worst cities for garage sales. The worst was Deerfield Beach, Florida. The best was Los Angeles, Calif. I probably won’t make it to either location. We’ll see what we can find locally....

  • Fiddlin' Around

    -deg|Jul 24, 2024

    After this past weekend this can be repeated: Our eyes were glued to the media news over the weekend and you all could most likely agree. Tena has a little to add. The Ipswich Summer Reading program closed their summer series last week with a 80th birthday party for Smokey the Bear. I sent a few celebrants to the party on July 17. When I was a child my dad worked for the Forest Service. I have always had the oldest Smokey, maybe a gift. He must be about 60 years old. Since then I have been a...

  • Letters

    Jul 24, 2024

    To Whom This May Concern: We live on a corner lot in Ipswich and pride ourselves to keeping a decent and nice yard for us to enjoy! For the last month or more we have found dog poo in our yard (south and north side) of which I must pick up and if I don’t find it then I unfortunately run over the mess with my lawnmower. Then I have to wash down the mower tires as I can instantly smell the scent and do not care to drag the feces throughout the yard. I would appreciate the dog owners that have pets monitor their whereabouts and keep them out of o...

  • Fiddlin' Around

    -deg|Jul 10, 2024

    Last week we had a short daily downpour. Even with hail on Sunday behind our office. According to weather forecasters we may expect hot weather over the weekend starting Friday. What we don't know if the heat will dryout things yet. It was really humid and wet over the long Fourth of July weekend. This is probably a little unusual for this part of the planet. The gardens look great so far anyway. And you probably didn't have to water that. But the weeds certainly are thriving, and that's not...

  • Fiddlin' Around

    -deg|Jul 3, 2024

    A long July 4 weekend is scheduled for the area and nationwide as well. Mina Lake, for instance, has a full slate of activities, many of which are on July 3. Including fireworks, highlighted by a Lizzy Hofer Band concert. So bring your ears for that and the loud, loud, loud fireworks display. Faulkton will have its Wild West Day fireworks display on the 5th. They will have their bull riding event Friday. The parade is Saturday, July 6. The actual July 4, 1776 events created the initial holiday. The USPS mail service, as well as government...

  • Independence Day - Have Faith in America

    Jul 3, 2024

    By Sen. John Thune In July 1776, John Adams wrote to his wife of Independence Day, “I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations … It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward forever more.” Although Adams thought we would celebrate July 2 – the day the Continental Congress voted to declare independence and two days before the Declaration of Independence was approved – our celeb...

  • Fiddlin' Around

    -deg|Jun 26, 2024

    I have mentioned in this column from time to time that June is going by way too rapidly despite several scheduled weekend events. And there appears to be at least one more June weekend event which we hope would gather steam to continue. Hopefully it would last more than a year in Aberdeen. There is a gospel music fest June 29-30 at 515 8th Ave. NW. So you might listen for musical fireworks from the bands. And then the long Fourth of July weekend with even more fireworks. And we hope that July might go past a little slower this year. It is one...

  • Letters

    Jun 26, 2024

    To the Editor: Were you aware that Edmunds County kinda/sorta has a GOP group? The committee is made up of primarily lawyers and a lobbyist. I asked the group committee about becoming a member, no offers or instructions on how to join were made. I asked how many were in the group and who they were, no information was provided. I then asked when the group meets and was told, “whenever we fell like it.” Doesn’t sound like much of a group representing the electors of the county right. I then contacted the state GOP chairman and asked if he was a...

  • Fiddlin' Around

    -deg|Jun 19, 2024

    We forgot to remind you last week that your Edmunds County Tribune will arrive in your mail box a day late due to the Juneteenth remembrance on June 19. This week’s Tribune has photos of the busy Trail Days weekend activities. The office was one of the Amazing Race stops on Friday afternoon. Plenty of bikers stopped by to enjoy the games here at the mini-mall. We had a fishing pond. Your fishing pole was a straw that you used to pick up gold fish crackers. Then you moved them to a container. We will be eating gold fish for quite a while. The c...

  • Fiddlin' Around

    -deg|Jun 12, 2024

    The advanced weather forecast had indicated possible rain over the upcoming Trail Days week. This past Monday looked like showers were coming from the west. And they finally made it — but just for a bit. So we will see. It has been one of these summers, that’s for sure. Enjoy all the festivities that the Trail Days committee has planned this weekend. Thanks to all the folks who help with the planning and the volunteers....

  • Letters

    Tena Gibson|Jun 12, 2024

    GOTCHA! This is not a Letter to the Editor. It is about them. On page 2 of the Tribune is a box with important information. Prices, email, etc. Also included are the Letters to the Editor Policy. We have been receiving letters that are quite lengthy, so I believe it necessary to set a word count guideline also. Looking for ideas from other sites I found suggestions of 150 to 250 words. So now the Edmunds County Tribune asks that your letters will not exceed 300 words. Another guideline I found online was “Letters must be written in a p...

  • Letters

    Jun 5, 2024

    To the Editor, I would like to thank Vaughn Beck for pointing out that SDCL 9-9-8 is not applicable for the form of municipal government that Ipswich has. It is somewhat comforting to know that the applicable State law governing the process for appointing a mayor was followed. While there might be a point of contention that the Council was not duly sworn in at the time of the appointment, per the Council’s disregard for City Ordinance 1-1-4, that, in practical application, is a moot point. The Council has the right, in the absence of an o...

  • Letters

    May 29, 2024

    To the Editor: This letter is in response to the letter printed in the May 15, 2024, Ipswich Tribune by Ed Bierman. I merely wish to point out to Mr. Bierman that his analysis and application of the law in this matter is incorrect. Mr. Bierman referred to SDCL 9-9-8 and implies that the Ipswich City Council is not adhering to this particular law. He is correct in stating that the City Council has not adhered to SDCL 9-9-8. However, the reason for this is simply due to the fact that the City of Ipswich does not have a commissioner form of...

  • Fiddlin' Around

    -deg|May 29, 2024

    Can you believe this, but you can brag, you guys endured May! But June always scheduled several weekend events including Ipswich’s Trail Days later in June. And as usual you could start the busy month’s weekend in Ft. Sisseton if you are history buffs or are looking for some great food booths and entertainment. Yes, July then rolls in with a bang. Starting with the 4th’s celebrations. And we then look forward to August which features 4-H Achievement Days, followed closely by the Ipswich Commercial Club City-Wide Rummage Sales. So you might...

  • Fiddlin' Around

    -deg|May 22, 2024

    This is the time for red, blue and white. Memorial Day is coming soon. Remember that if you have items for the newspaper. We would need those items on Friday. THANKS! If you happened to drive north past our house on 4th Street you would see a red, blue and white windsock. It is not exactly a U.S. flag pattern. The crossed pattern is Tena’s way of celebrating May 17 with the Norwegian flag. Syttende Mai (May 17) is independence day there. We left it hanging, flapping in the constant wind....

  • Letters

    May 22, 2024

    Policies driven by greed or in today’s world known as the “Green New Deal”. Are these policies good or bad? The answer lies within your own opinion or checking account. I believe America is the leader in many categories and drives the demand/markets with our purchases. Some want paper not plastic; others purchase on price not quality, some recycle, and others don’t, some companies produce profits the old fashion way, creating a product or service and selling for a profit. Other companies can’t make a profit without government subsidies...

  • Letters:

    May 15, 2024

    To the Editor Congratulations? Ipswich now has a mayor that no one elected. How did that happen? From what I can determine, the first step was to illegally ignore City Ordinance 1-1-4 which mandates that “At the first regular meeting after the annual election of each year and after the qualification of the newly elected council members, the Council shall elect from its own members a president and vice president…” That meeting took place on April 22nd. The municipal election canvas meeting took place 11 days prior at 4:00 pm on April 11th at whi...

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