Fiddlin' Around

There are so many things to do this particular weekend, it's simply unbelievable. And the days will still be quite long to enjoy all the activities, although the very longest day of the year will be on Thursday, June 21.

Avid rummagers will enjoy the Ipswich City-Wide Rummage Sale from 8:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. this Saturday and you would still have time to drive over to Pierre to catch the evening's four concerts that will culminate the June 21-23 Oahe Days Arts and Music Festival. Lance Spears will kick off the evening at 5 p.m., followed by The Common Ground Company, then Ry Taylor and the Side Trips and finally a name very familiar to Ipswich Trail Days attenders from just last year, the Casey Donahew Band.

There is additional live music scheduled for each of the three days in Pierre and obviously a lot of other things to do, including fishing there, if you’re not hunting for walleyes at the Roscoe Sportsman’s Club annual Walleye Tournament at Walth’s Bay.

Farm Island in Pierre has officially been named the Top Mom-Approved Place to Fish and Boat in South Dakota in a list made for moms created by the national Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation. Indeed Farm Island has received that recognition in a nationwide survey of thousands of moms. And Farm Island will be submitted into a national competition and you can vote now through Friday, June 29 for the Top 10 Mom-Approved Places to Fish and Boat in the Nation. Yes, only 10 of the 50 states will receive this designation based on national voting, so South Dakota needs your vote. Contact Farm Island Recreation Area, 605-773-2885 or [email protected] for more info on how to vote.

Learn more about the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF) at their website, They have the list of fishing and boating hot spots.

You certainly don't have to be a kid to enjoy the Farm Island area, though I imagine that it would help.

Down through the years, Tena and I have done some memorable things at the LaFramboise Island Nature Area, including an ill-advised late-fall hike during a cold rain that ruined new boots and nearly gave us pneumonia. But other times we have hiked when the weather was really beautiful and I even jogged there one time. Another thing I used to do there was to operate a portable homemade amateur radio, so I let my radio signals do the hiking, all over the country. And what was Tena doing when I was radioing, standing on a stump after I mentioned the huge bull snake (not rattler) in the grass near us. Now that I think about it, we’ve done just about everything there except fish.


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