Pastor Enno Limvere gave his last sermon at the Ipswich United Church of Christ on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2018.
Pastor Enno came to Ipswich in November of 2008. He will be serving as pastor at the Brentford Congregational UCC church.
The Ipswich church moderator Carol Pond led an open house program on Sunday afternoon in the church's Fellowship Hall.
"Alot has been accomplished in 10 years," said Pond. The Fellowship Hall was in the planning stages when Pastor Enno came to Ipswich. The hall was dedicated in September 2010.
His focus, Pond said, was to lead a flock that did not always want to follow. She said Pastor Enno wanted to "get out of the church," and into the community.
"We've tried lots of things," he said. They didn't always work, he added.
Several attending the open house shared their memories of Pastor Enno. Bob Pond said one of his best memories was attending Pastor Enno's and Kileen Cleberg's wedding in Aberdeen.
Pastor Tim Fugman will serve as the interim minister in Ipswich, beginning Oct. 21. The retired minister had been filling in at Brentford.
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