From the Ipswich Tribune,
August 13, 1931 edition
Local zinnia garden
admired by tourists
The Zinnia beds are surely helping to advertise Ipswich. Visitors from Aberdeen and surrounding towns who were here this week commented most favorably on the work the federation of womens clubs is doing to beautify the town. Four Aberdeen ladies came to the Tribune office Wednesday, each carrying home a large colorful bouquet. They said they had been traveling about considerably of late and saw nothing in flower beds that could compare with the Zinnia beds here. Our city park too, owes its neat and trim appearance to the perseverance and push of the federation.
The trees planted by the federation of womens clubs on fourth street, south are growing well and make a good showing at this time. They are Chinese Elms and extend on both sides of the street from the Owens Coal yard to the cemetery. The club hopes in time to have a well shaded drive thru that part of town.
Mrs. Bartholomew, federation president, deserves a great deal of praise for the work the women of Ipswich have done along lines of civic improvement.
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