
Dear editor,

Twenty years ago a group of community leaders met to discuss the possibility of developing a program to meet the needs of a growing number of elementary students who were home alone after school each day. This was a big undertaking for a community our size but with dedicated volunteers, the Ipswich Tiger Post was born in January of 1999. Over the past 20 years it has served over 500 children with the number attending each day steadily increasing.

Now we have embarked on a new venture - a new facility close to the school and parks - built specifically for out of school time programming. Our capital campaign began at the first of the year and the response has been FANTASTIC! We are nearing our goal but need everyone's help to make our dream a reality. Please consider a gift of whatever you can offer. No contribution is too small and all donors will be recognized.

If you have any questions or would like further information, don't hesitate to call.

— Carole Curtis


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