Intermittent light rain showers started right after the Trail Days parade in Ipswich last Saturday and continued on and off all day, depending greatly on your location. But they definitely converged onto the Trail Days Arena grounds for a late afternoon sudden thunder-boomer with brief heavy rain. It delayed rodeo for a little bit, but things finally got going after the passage of the cold front. That produced an instant autumn-like temperature drop, thanks to strong northwest wind gusts more appropriate for football than rodeo competition and concerts.
The warmup band was from Fargo, though, so those guys should be used to that sort of weather!
But I'm not so sure about the headliner Frankie Ballard and his band from Nashville. But he did say that he is originally from Michigan, so should probably be used to less than ideal weather conditions there from time to time.
And the weather was much more co-operative on Friday and Sunday, so I guess all's well that ends well (and begins well, too), as that old saying goes!
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