From the Ipswich Tribune January 5, 1928 edition
Thirty-one Lions were present at the Monday noon day meeting of the Ipswich Lions club at the C & CA Café.
After the usual business sessions, some interesting talks were given.
President P. D. Selby presented the subject of the advisability of a Smith-Hughes agricultural department in the Ipswich High School. The instructor would act to some extent as a county agent. The question was referred to the educational committee of the club which will take it up with the city school board.
J. B. Taylor gave a talk on “Beautifying Vacant Places in Town,” telling of the advantages to be derived from the same. He suggested that the vacant lots be planted either to flowers or sown to alfalfa.
J. W. Parmley has as his topic “The Elimination of Some of Our Waste.” He mentioned in particular the waste in the burning of grain and flax straw piles and explained the uses to which these products could be put.
Grain straw is utilized in the making of straw board, while flax straw can be made into one of the best grades of paper. Mr. Parmley read a letter from Ed Powers of Salem, Oregon, a former resident of Edmunds County. Mr. Powers wrote in detail about the manufacture of flax straw into paper, this being done at the Oregon State Penitentary at Salem.
It was suggested by Mr. Parmley that such a manufacturing plant could be established in Edmunds County. He requested that the situation be given thought and study.
Frank Pemberton and Willard Brown were also scheduled for talks but due to unavoidable circumstances were unable to be present.
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