Tour of Kindness stopping here

The Tour of Kindness is coming to Ipswich on Thursday, Oct. 10 in the Ipswich School Theatre.

The presentation, sponsored by the Ipswich School and Edmunds Central School, will begin at 8:45 a.m. for pre-Kindergarten through fifth grade students. Then students in grades 6-12 will meet from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. Parents are welcome to attend.

Justine Kougl, a rancher from Montana, discusses becoming kind. She has three children. The youngest, Quinn, has Treacher Collins Syndrome creating cranin-facial differences and high medical needs. The “Wonder” book and movie dealt with a child with the same syndrome.

The “Tour of Kindness” helps educate about choosing to be kind, being a good friend to everyone and great ways to ask questions. Learn about your power to empower others through your kindness, your words, your friendship and your questions.


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