Ipswich Tiger Special Olympics athletes recently participated in tournaments.
Tucker Green competed in the NE Unified Special Olympics Tournament in Watertown. He bowled with his grandfather, Bob DeJong. Unified Special Olympics involves an athlete with a disability and one without. The team received third place.
They plan to participate in the State Unified Tournament in November as well.
The Ipswich Special Olympics bowling team participated in the Northeast Area Bowling Tournament in Aberdeen.
"The athletes had a great day and saw many of their friends from surrounding communities," said teacher Dawn Graham.
Each athlete bowled three ten-frame games. Athletes are placed into divisions based on their age and scores.
The Ipswich results were:
Senior: Tucker Green, third
Junior: Johnathan Kamps, fourth place
Ninth Grade: Teagan Cody, second; Isaiah Goetz, eighth
Sixth Grade: Casey Gilborne, third
Fifth Grade: Coy Stager, first; Max Simon, third; Cash Henderson, fourth
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