The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune

August 20, 1924 edition


The fall term of the Ipswich Public Schools begins Monday September 1st. It is desired that all who expect to attend school enroll on that date as the student that enrolls late is handicapped the balance of the term. Parents will please see that their children are at the school building not later than 9 A. M. of that date.

Residents of Ipswich who wish to secure the services of either high school boys or girls in exchange for room and board, or who have rooms to let, please communicate with the Superintendent as soon as possible.

Parents of children attending school from the country and residing in town are expected to make definite arrangements with the person with whom their children are staying as to the hours of home study, time of retiring, etc. Persons rooming and boarding country pupils are expected to assume reasonable responsibility in this regard.

The school building has just been put into excellent condition by the Board of Education and it is their wish to maintain this condition. Parents are herby notified that any defacement of the building or its contents by students will be charged to the parents. Students guilty of such defacement will be dismissed from school until the damage has been repaired. Parents are asked to explain this to their children so that no misunderstandings will arise.


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