4-H Recognition event held

The Edmunds County 4-H Recognition Event was held Sunday, November 24 at the 4-H Building in Ipswich.

The evening started with a potluck supper followed by the awards ceremony. The 4-H members, leaders, and friends of 4-H were honored for their accomplishments and contributions. Bonnie Nehlich, 4-H Youth Program Advisor, welcomed all to the event. The Lucky Charms 4-H Club hosted the event by setting up, decorating, and leading the flag pledges.

4-H graduation awards were presented to Cody Forkel, Kari Kanable, Ben Kulesa, Jacob Nierman, Nathan Preszler, Josie Sylte, and Myra Toennies.

The Meritorious Award was presented to Vaughn Beck and Dave Penfield for their donation of time and talent to the Achievement Days BBQ.

Leaders receiving special recognition for years of service as club leaders and a member of the Leaders Association were Scott Kilber-10 years and Amber Beyers, Jean Hutson, and Amanda Rawden-5 years. They each received a certificate and a clover pin.

Other leaders recognized for their years of service were Clay Olivier 4 years, Teri Geditz 5 years, Shana Gohl-1 year, Missy Kleffman 5 years, Lisa Rye 5 years, Dionne Olson 3 years, Jeremy Rawden-1 year, Janet Fuhrmann-11 years, Holly Johnson 7 years, Bryan and Jessica Scherr 3 years, Carole Curtis 17 years, Emily Kadlec 17 years, Heidi Sylte 12 years, Becky Nierman 12 years, Angie Kulesa 8 years, Kim Kanable 5 years, Tara Beitelspacher 7 years, Mark Beitelspacher-6 years, Barb Kaiser 3 years, Lacey Galbraith-1 year, Courtney Davis-3 years, and John and Steph Jung 9 years, and Jordan and Amanda Holt-1 year.

The Overall Horse Award went to Quincy Olivier and the Overall Dog Showman was Myra Toennies. The first year dog award winner was Charli Rawden. The dog awards are donated by Joan Goppolt.

Club honors for the Ken's Food Fair Citizenship Awards went to the Wily Wizards 4-H Club.

The Visual Arts Dabbler Awards went to Beginner Alexis Fischer and Senior Bridget Fuhrmann. These awards are sponsored by the Esther Sweeter Family.

The Child Development Award went to Grayson Beyers. This award is sponsored in memory of Denise Jung.

Best of Show Awards were given to Lincoln Beyers-Beginner Child Development, Brody Davis-Beginner Wood Science, Alexis Fischer-Beginner Visual Arts, Grant Fischer-Junior Hobbies and Collections, Bridget Fuhrmann-Senior Visual Arts, Nicholas Fuhrmann-Junior Visual Arts, Haleigh Holt-Junior Clothing and Textiles, Maggie Holt-Beginner Home Environment; Beginner Clothing and Textiles, Jailey Hutson-Junior Wood Science, Gracyn Kadlec-Beginner Photography, Max Kulesa-Beginner Foods and Nutrition, Mackenzie Kaiser-Junior Home Environment, Jordan Nierman-Senior Foods and Nutrition, Quincy Olivier-Junior Photography, Nathan Preszler-Senior Photography, Josie Sylte-Senior Home Environment, and Karlie Weisser-Beginner Foods and Nutrition.

High Point Judging Plaques were presented to the following individuals for their judging on both the county and state level: Consumer Decision Making: Beginner Lincoln Beyers Junior Hannah Beyers, and Senior Bridget Fuhrmann; Horticulture: Senior Myra Toennies.

Top Ten Judging Awards were given to Senior Myra Toennies for 1st place in the state in the Horticulture Skill-a-Thon both individually and as a team and Senior Bridget Fuhrmann for 5h place in the Consumer Decision Making Contest.

Awards for the best 4-H Record Books went to Beginner-1st Gage Kaiser, 2nd Grayson Beyers, Junior-1st Hannah Beyers, 2nd Mackenzie Kaiser, and Senior-1st Bryce Beitelspacher, 2nd Emma Beyers. Record Book Trophies are sponsored by the Alvina Pettigrew Family.

The many supports of the 4-H program were recognized with a Friend of 4-H Certificate. They were Aberdeen Chrysler Center, Active Care Chiropractic, Adee Honey Farms, Agtegra, Bad Dog Trucking, Bank North, Vaughn Beck, Mark and Tara Beitelspacher , Bowdle Building and Hardware, Bowdle Vet Clinic, Brown County Landfill, C & B Operations, C & L Storage, Kayla Casey, Crop Management Services, Dakota Insurance Solutions, Dakotaland Feeds, Dales Building Supplies, Davis Farms, Doug Jones Trucking, Drakes Place, Edmunds County Abstract Office, Edmunds County Commissioners, Edmunds County Highway Dept., Edmunds County Land & Title, Farm Credit Services, FEM Electric, Cheryl Finley, First State Bank of Roscoe, Fischer Repair, Bruce and Janet Fuhrmann, Joe Galbraith, Lynn Gauer, Gibson Publishing, Gisi Pheasant Farm, Glacial Lakes Energy, Larry and Cindy Heinz, Ryan Holien, Cassie Holtz, Hosmer City Liquor, Hosmer Vet Clinic, Deanne Hoyle, Hub City Livestock, Insurance Plus, John Sieh Agency, JV Corporation, Jim and Kim Kanable, Ken's Food Fair, LeRoy Kilber, Lacher Repair, Lazy J Bar Ranch, LDL Cattle Company, Neuharth Cattle Company, David Newman, North Central Insurance Agency, North Star Energy, Oban Construction, Osterman Shorthorns, Dave Penfield, Doug and Janice Perrin, Perrion Custom Services, Petal Pushers, Dustin Pitz, Plains Commerce Bank, PM Repair, Premier Equipment, Pride Publications, Jeremy and Amanda Rawden, Jackie Rau, RDO Equipment, Ricky's Restaurant and Lounge, RockTuff, Schurr's Manufacturing, Seed Solutions, Select Seed, S & S Rentals, Lonnie and Katie Steen, Subway, Sylte Farms, Sylte Trucking, Target, TNT Transportation, Tim and Kristi Toennies, Turner Drug, Mary Turner, Valley Telecommunications, Emily Volk, Walmart, Rick and Anita Weisser, Wetonka Vet Clinic, and Bev Wright.

Plaques for five year Friends of 4-H were presented to: Beck Law Office, Camby's Pass, Farmers State Bank, Flittie Simmental, Ipswich State Bank, Steve and Kris Scherr, and Tri County Ag.


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