Hometown Holiday this week

Plans are in full swing for Ipswich Commercial Club’s third annual Hometown Holiday Weekend, planned December 5-7.

Many businesses and organizations are planning specials and treats for this three-day event. If you misplaced the flyer that was in last week’s newspaper you can find one at some Ipswich businesses.

Plans include:

Gingerbread House Contest - open to all ages. Bring your completed display to the Edmunds County Courthouse Community Room by noon on Friday, Dec. 6. Prizes will be awarded.

Holiday Spirit Contest for students and staff of the Ipswich School. The contest, which will be held on Friday, Dec. 6. Prizes will be awarded in various age divisions.

The annual Highway of Hope’s Holiday Craft Fair will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday in Father Bormann Hall in Ipswich. There will be a children’s carnival from 10 a.m. until noon and then Santa will visit at noon.

You can win $100 Ipswich Business Bucks. Sign up at the participating businesses, see the ad in this week’s Ipswich Tribune.


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