Fiddlin' Around

Wow, has this month (and year) already gone fast? It certainly seems that way and one of the first indications that we are well into January is the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday, to be celebrated on Monday, Jan. 20.

So that means that there won't be any mail service that day, even though our office will indeed be open. But if you are mailing items to P.O. Box 7 in Ipswich for our January 22 publications, just remember to mail them sometime yet this week to ensure that we receive them in a timely manner.

The weather has been fairly tranquil in our neck of the woods, other than those occasional Arctic blasts that have been giving us a skiff of snow from time to time, just enough to blow around a little bit.

Anyway if January is moving along at too rapid a pace for you guys, just remember that you'll have extra time in February to catch up, because 2020 is indeed a Leap Year and February will have 29 days instead of the usual 28. And undoubtedly one extra day of various political campaign rallies as well! Enjoy!


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