Coaches vs. Cancer Suits and Sneakers benefit at Ipswich vs. Faulkton games

The Faulkton and Ipswich basketball programs are participating in a Suits and Sneakers game to benefit cancer research during their game on Thursday, Feb. 23 in Ipswich.

Coaches vs. Cancer Suits and Sneakers Week is a nationwide initiative uniting basketball teams across the country for a common cause — saving lives from cancer. This season’s Suits and Sneakers Game will support childhood cancer research, services and awareness. Coaches will be dressed in a full suit and sneakers with colored laces representing a type of cancer.

Help beat cancer on the court by contributing to the campaign. Your support can help the American Cancer Society save more lives. “Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with Leukemia and underwent chemotherapy for 3.5 years,” said Chase Casper, Faulkton Area physical education and computer science teacher. “I have been cancer free for almost four years. I received contributions from many different oranizations and people while I was going through treatment. Now, I would like to give back and raise money for other families going through cancer treatments,” said Casper, who is the FHS head girls basketball coach.

“Please consider making a donation to help raise money for those in need. I really appreciate your support,” he said. Visit their site to donate .

You can make a donation or pledge a dollar amount for every point scored in the varsity girls and varsity boys games. There will also be a table set up if you would like to make a cash donation at the game.


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