The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune

April 23, 1924 edition


Local Legion Planning Big Time Friday and Saturday nights

You may be sure that the Legion Carnival to be held on Friday and Saturday of this week will be a success. The Legionnaires and Auxiliary are working diligently to make this the best event of the season. There will be plenty of entertainment and shows to keep everyone busy all evening. The upstairs will be devoted to stunts while the downstairs will be moving pictures and bowery dance. The Melody Five Orchestra of Aberdeen, considered one of the best orchestras in this territory, will furnish the music.

Great interest has been shown in the beauty contest and progress made. As we go to press the results are as follows:

Gwen Thomas 316

Mary Hoth 215

Joy Briggs 655

Dorothy Lacey 570

Nominate your candidate and get out the votes. A beautiful mesh bag will be offered as a prize to the winner in addition to the honor of being crowned the Queen of the Carnival. The winner will be announced at ten thirty on Saturday evening at which time the coronation will take place.

There will be something doing at the carnival all the while. Do not miss it.


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