Ipswich Lions Club supports cancer camp

The Ipswich Lions Club recently began a new project making and selling beaded cancer bracelets to help support the second annual Camp Quality USA Cancer Camp.

With the recent addition of Childhood Cancer as a new program initiative of Lions International, the local Ipswich Lions Club has adopted the Camp as a service project. Beaded cancer bracelets, created locally, are being sold with a portion of bracelet sales going to the South Dakota Lions Foundation and Camp Quality USA Black Hills. Bracelets are available as multi-colored for a variety of cancers, pink for breast cancer and gold for childhood cancer. Special order bracelets can be made to recognize most forms of cancer. Contact Colleen at (605) 426-6987 or Roxy at (605) 380-0028 with questions.

Camp Quality USA Black Hills is one of 17 non-profit Camp Quality USA programs in the United States. It provides a FREE one-week experience for qualified campers and a sibling aged 6-16. Camp Quality is provided at no cost to each family. The camp, which is being held in the Black Hills, July 12-17,2020, has a goal to allow the children and a sibling to have a fun camp experience and to make new friends. The host facility, Dakota Frontier Camp, is located on Bear Butte Lake Road in Sturgis.

Campers are wanted for this year’s camp. Questions can be directed to Camp Director, Bailey Zwahr at (605) 2261-5206, [email protected] or check out the website at http://www.campqualityusa.org/bh


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