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From the Ipswich Tribune

January 14, 1925 edition

1924 Prosperous Building Year

Many Improvements Made In

Year Adds To Ipswich’s Future

This paper takes a great deal of pleasure at the beginning of the new year to present to its many readers a list of the many improvements made in Ipswich during the past year.

True, there is nothing in the figures which follow to indicate that our city has experienced anything in the way of a boom, nevertheless, they do present the fact that Ipswich is making healthy strides toward further business importance. Our city in common with all towns of the northwest has felt the depression that caused a stagnation in all lines of business developments more especially so in the way of building operation for the past few years and it is pleasing to note that we are recovering from the slump caused by the aftermath of the war.

Among the substantial improvements the past season are the M. D. Sheldon block, the Baptist church, W. E. Herrick block, Jas. Bartholomew’s oil station, Geo Hall’s Implement House, Lass Bros. Garage addition, all of which would easily total over $85,000.00 besides at least $10,000.00 spent on improvements on resident and other properties. In the country tributary to Ipswich a number of new dwellings and barns have been built but details of these are not available at this writing.

While Ipswich during its nearly forty years of existence, has never enjoyed what is known as the so called “boom” we have nevertheless, advanced year by year on what is known in business circles as the safe and sane method, building not rapidly but building well. Each succeeding year has brought an increased population and a larger and more wealthy business center. Not only has the coming of the automobile played its part in our prosperity, but there are other causes, probably the most prominent is the fact that Ipswich has a force of business boosters who are always on the alert to advance our business importance. Ipswich business houses are known over a large territory for the wonderful bargains that are being offered to those who trade here. It is nothing uncommon on any day of the week to see cars parked on our streets whose owners have driven as high as thirty miles to take advantage of the bargains that are being offered in different kinds of merchandise and farm materials by our local dealers.

This is the great business force that is putting Ipswich on the map as the real trading center of the county.


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