Schools remain closed through May 1

Schools across South Dakota remained closed for a second week due to the coronavirus outbreak.

In a March 24 media briefing Gov. Kristi Noem recommended that schools remain closed through May 1, 2020.

The Ipswich and Edmunds Central School Districts both made plans to have materials for the students to work during their time off.

The Edmunds Central School website said the school “will be shutdown until further notice.” Material for the students will be distributed on Wednesday morning, Mar. 25, 2020.

EC students were asked to clean out their lockers and sports lockers.

Ipswich Superintendent Trent Osborne said the IHS staff has prepared material for flexible learning for all students. Osborne said they have prepared for 10 days “just to be ready.”

Osborne said Valley will work with families who do not have broadband internet for the remainder of the school year.

The Ipswich school will have lunches available for students if requested. The meals are available for pick-up at the school curbside or delivered.

In his Facebook message Supt. Osborne told about his plans for virtual spirit days this week, including Hawaiian day, hat day and favorite color day. Osborne will follow the guideline for the day on Facebook and asks students to like it and send him their own photos.

The superintendent closed one of his messages, “Remember we will adapt, we will evolve and we will overcome.”

School Activities

In response to Governor Noem's direction of school closure through May 1, all SDHSAA spring sports practices and competitions are cancelled through Sunday, May 3.

The SDHSAA Board of Directors will meet in coming days to decide on the 2020 Spring Sports season, as well as the suspended/postponed events of State Basketball, Visual Arts, Region Music, and All-State Band. That agenda will be posted to the SDHSAA website when it is finalized and advanced notice of the meeting will be given per South Dakota Codified Law. The meeting will be held via teleconference and will be live streamed for the public.


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