The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune

February 25, 1925 edition

Mrs. Marie Gray, a passenger on the flyer Sunday evening became insane after leaving Aberdeen and was put off here and turned over to the Sheriff. The woman did not seem violent at any time, but acted queerly and the train officials thought it best to leave her here, rather than take chances with her further. She had a ticket from a point in Ohio to Spokane, Washington where her son resides. Officials from the Sheriff’s office and railroad offices got into telegraphic communication with the son and Railroad Detective Burke left with Mrs. Gray Tuesday evening for Spokane where he will turn her over to her son. The woman now claims her son does not live in Spokane and her mind is very hazy as to her port. The best of possible care has been given her by the local officials and the railroad company is doing everything possible for the unfortunate lady. She is about 55 years old.


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