
Dear Editor,

Our U.S. Constitution is a brilliant document that has stood the test of time for 233 years to be exact. It is the longest surviving governing document of any other nation.

Sadly there are national organizations who are working to tinker with our Constitution by opening it up at a national convention to make changes, or perhaps come up with a new constitution. Would such a convention weaken our Second Amendment? Would they eliminate the Electoral College and replace it with nationally controlled elections like Speaker Pelosi tried to do with the Corona Virus bill?

Every year out-of-state representatives from these groups come to lobby our state legislators in an effort to convince them to agree to such a national convention.

Rep. Spencer Gosch and former Rep. Charlie Hoffman have a proven record of resisting these groups that would put our Constitution at risk. (HJR5001, 2020; HJR1004, 2014 respectively)

I'm voting for Gosch and Hoffman who will protect our U.S. Constitution.

— Jodi Waltman



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