County part of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

The Marcus P. Beebe Memorial Public Library of Ipswich has a mission; to be open to the entire community of all ages, in Ipswich and the surrounding area for reading, research, programs, and computer use and provide these services free.

The Ipswich Public Library has formed a partnership with Dolly Parton Imagination Library ensuring all children in Edmunds County can become part of an international book gifting program and have a great selection of books at home, regardless of the environment in which they live.

Dolly Parton launched the Imagination Library to honor her father who was smart and hardworking, but never learned to read or write. The program is meant to give children from all walks of life, both in the United States and around the world a chance that Dolly's father never had. Parton believes that if you can read, you can do anything, dream anything, and be anything.

Dolly Parton Imagination Library mails FREE high-quality, age-appropriate books to registered children from birth to age five. Parents, register your child now. Text Deb Gillick at 605-216-2958 and in 10 to 12 weeks a new, carefully selected book will be mailed in your child's name directly to your home. Books will continue until the child turns five or you move out of the covered area.

Read with your child and have fun.


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