Awards Night new look

This year’s IHS Awards Night will be a new experience for all.

Principal Dan Knust said, “ Due to the restrictions set forth by the CDC and the State of South Dakota we feel it is best to do our awards night a different way this year.”

They are asking that the presenters of awards and scholarships tape themselves as if they were presenting the award at the school. An example may be, "Hi, I am Dan Knust and I am representing the Ipswich Athletic Department. Our award this year is..... the recipient of this years award is..... Thank you."

“We want you to be able to present your award in the way you feel is best!” said Knust.

Once you have taped your award presentation you are asked to send it in a text message to Mr. Knust at 605-690-2132. They will put all the awards into a video and release that video at 7 p.m. on May 14, the time originally planned for the 2020 Awards Night.

For your award to be included in the video they ask that you send it to Mr. Knust no later than May 11.

“This includes classroom teachers, scholarship committees, coaches other awards typically presented at Awards Night,” Knust said.

If your award is typically provided by the school, give Mrs. Gohl or Mr. Knust that list so that they can have the award on hand and delivered to recipients the following day.


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