The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune

November 5, 1924 edition


Belle Starr, outlaw queen of the old days in Texas and Oklahoma, wore her hair short and was particularly sweet to women, says the Detroit News. She lived for years on the proceeds of loot and lined up a gang of the meanest looking, hardest cursing, wildest riding and shooting hard-boiled customers in her particular parts of the cow country.

She used to call at women’s houses on her way home from leading her band on a robbery and she would talk feminine things with them, sing religious songs and tell stories to the children.

Several stories are told of the way Belle Starr met her death. The generally accepted one is that she was assassinated by a man named Edgar A. Watson, who had gone to Oklahoma in the 80’s and started farming near her place. It is told they became enemies in a dispute over land rental. Anyway, February 3, 1889, so the version has it, a double-barrelled shotgun did the work.


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