Local 4-Hers have livestock at S.D. State Fair

Several Edmunds County 4-H Members participated in the 2020 South Dakota State Fair Livestock Shows in Huron.

The Kilber family had five entries in the Targhee Breeding Sheep Show. Brady received a blue and purple ribbon as well as winning Reserve Grand Champion Targhee Ewe. Kathryn received 2 blue ribbons. Tessa received a purple ribbon and had the Reserve Grand Champion Targhee Ram.

Kale Pharis received two purple ribbons in the Registered Breeding Meat Goat Show. He also received Champion and Reserve Overall Registered Breeding Meat Goat. He was also the champion and reserve champion for senior division registered meat goats.

The Breeding Beef Show had Haleigh Holt receiving two purple ribbons for her Charolais and Simmental heifers. She also won Reserve Champion Simmental Heifer. Maggie Holt received a blue ribbon for her Hereford heifer and a purple for her Commercial heifer. Maggie also won Champion Crossbred Heifer and placed fifth overall. Jacob Jung received a blue ribbon for his Red Angus heifer. Kale Pharis received a blue for his Red Angus heifer and won Champion Red Angus Heifer.

The Beitelspacher boys participated in the Market Beef Show. Brady received purple ribbons for his market heifer and his crossbred steer. Brady also had the Champion Market Heifer. Bryce received a purple ribbon for his Maine-Anjou Steer, which was the Reserve Champion Maine-Anjou Steer.

Jacob Jung also participated in the Swine Show. He received two purple ribbons and had the Reserve Spotted Breeding Gilt.


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