Edmunds County 2020 Heifer Futurity Contest held

The 2020 Heifer Futurity Contest was held on Saturday, October 3 at the Trail Days Complex.

Seven contestants from Edmunds County participated: Caleb Johnson, Gabriel Johnson, Jacob Jung, Chesney Olivier, Quincy Olivier, Austin Rawden, and Charli Rawden.

Participants have the option of entering a bred heifer in Phase 1 and last year's Bred Heifer and Calf in Phase 2. They must fill out a book on each animal entered. Judges review the cattle and book and choose an overall winner.

This year's champion was Quincy Olivier with Jacob Jung receiving Reserve Champion. Quincy received a heifer donated by Schnabel Ranch Simmentals owned by Tom and Meghan Schnabel of Eureka. Quincy and Jacob also receive belt buckles donated by Farm Credit Services.

Judges were Bruce Flittie, BJ Eisenbeisz, and Blane Osterday. The event was organized by John Jung and Clay Olivier.


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