The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune July 13, 1927 edition


The division of child hygiene of the State Board of Health will hold a clinic for mothers and for children of preschool age on Saturday, August 13th, all day in Ipswich.

The clinic will be for the purpose of weighing, measuring and examining children, giving advice to mothers on child care and giving expectant mothers an opportunity for physical examination and advice regarding the care of their health. The work will be conducted by Doctor Margaret Krenig and a Public Health Nurse, who represent the Division of Child Hygiene of the State Board of Health. Local physicians are cordially invited to attend the clinic.

This service is made possible thru the cooperation of the State Board of Health, U. S. Children’s Bureau (Sheppard-Towner fund) and interested citizens of the communtiy and is available without cost to all who desire it.

Those who wish to come for examination in the forenoon should register between 10 and 12 o’clock. Those attending in the afternoon should register for examination between 1 and 4 o’clock


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