The Library Remembers When...

From the Edmunds County Democrat December 22, 1910 edition

Christmas exercises at Holy Cross Catholic Church

Extensive preparations have been progressing for the past weeks at Holy Cross church for the celebration of the Christmas season. This is the first Christmas in the now church and every member of the congregation is alive to its importance.

A new nativity group has arrived and will be unveiled for the first time on Christmas eve. This is the most beautiful nativity group in South Dakota and is imported direct from Germany.

The order of exercise is as follows: At 12 o’clock, blessing of nativity group, with an appropriate musical program. Procession of entire congregation to crib, preceded by the young people of the congregation bearing lighted candles. High Mass at 12:30 o’clock and sermon on the Incarnation. 2nd Mass, 8 o’clock, and 3rd and High Mass at 10:30.

Everybody, irrespective of religious persuasion is invited to any or all of these services. Father O’Hora wishes all members of the congregation all the happiness of the Holy season.


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