The Library Remember When...

From the Ipswich Tribune October 6, 1927 edition


There is one young man who is more than satisfied with this country. His name is Fred Beer. A year ago he bought a farm west of this city from the Bank of Ipswich, S.D. and this year the crop sold from the land paid for the farm and left a comfortable balance besides. Mr. Beer is an ambitious, hard working young man and we are glad that he has made good.

The point is however, that land in this country is producing revenue so that the proceeds of a single crop pays for the land. That is something to think about. It indicates that crops are good and the price of land has not yet reached that level where speculators are holding for a handsome profit. It also shows that taxes are low and marketing conditions excellent.

Now is the time to invest in western land when it is cheap. You can’t expect to buy land long for a song when it produces crops that is equal to that grown on land that is on the market are five times the price of western land.

—Isabel News


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