Fiddlin' Around

Is this latest iteration of February weather rather surreal? We go from where we had experienced at least 12 straight days with a below zero low in Ipswich to Monday's near 60 above afternoon high.

But that was only if you could actually see to read the thermometer and why was that? Blowing dust that's why!

And this is the time of year when post-season athletic events can and would ordinarily be hampered with reduced visibility due to blowing snow, not dirt.

I guess we'll have to check out the advance forecasts more carefully, because this is indeed the time of the year when the weather can and quite often does literally change overnight, especially in the Dakotas.

Again good luck to any of our athletes/teams that are still in contention.

Or go out and grab a golf club and head for the course or the running track. The track in Ipswich looked to be 100 percent bare the last time I checked. And keep your snow shovels handy, just in case!


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