Mina Lake spillway replacement begins after July 4, 2021

Game, Fish & Parks officials had a zoom meeting on March 9 to discuss repairs planned for the Mina Lake spillway.

Heavy rains in 2019 caused severe damage to the spillway. Temporary repairs were made in 2020.

Planning for the spillway repair is nearing completion. A temporary drawdown to lower the water level in the lake will be necessary for a contractor to perform the work that includes a diversion channel and complete spillway replacement.

The engineer's design should be completed in April and then bid letting will begin. Then a contractor will be selected.

GFP officials have assured Mina Lake residents that the work will not begin until after the July 4 holiday, when the annual Freedom Festival is held.

The work will begin in July 2021. After the 4th of July the contractor will be allowed to start lowering the water level. A maximum 10' lake drawdown is expected.

The GFP archery range near the spillway will be closed during construction. The boat ramp and fishing pier will also be closed. It may be necessary to close Nesbitt Drive temporarily during a phase of the construction. The campground will remain open.

GFP anticipates no negative impacts on the lake fishery populations.

They estimate construction will continue through March 2022.

GFP officials hope the lake elevation will rise in spring 2022 with spring run-off under winter and spring moisture.

The estimated cost of the project is $3.8 million, funded by a Game, Fish and Parks disaster loan through the state. They have looked into funds from FEMA, but it was determined the project was ineligible. They are still investigating that option, but are not hopeful. GFP will continue to identify funding assistance. Mina Lake taxpapers will not be responsible for supplemental funding.

Ipswich pioneer J.W. Parmley was an early advocate for dam building for artificial lakes. He was rewarded when Snake Creek in eastern Edmunds County was dammed in 1932 and the resulting lake was named Lake Parmley (now within Mina Lake State Recreation Area). The original spillway was built in 1934 and modified in 1945.


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