New book highlights area girls basketball

Marv Seyer has co-authorized a new book, "The First 25 Years of the Yellowstone Trail Conference Girls' Basketball Tournament and Post Seasons."

Marv and his friend, Lance Fiedler compiled much information about the first 25 years of Class B girls' basketball in northern South Dakota. The 185-page book has over 800 pictures and names covering the years 1975-2000.

The book is dedicated to Julie (Heinz) Johnson. Julie played basketball for Ipswich High School and in college. She also coached basketball at the college level.

The book features the YTC schools and their annual conference tournament.

Because of the post season coverage, it brings a lot of other area teams like Ipswich, Langford, Northwestern, Warner, Faulkton, Tulare, McIntosh, and Timber Lake to name a few.

All 25 Ipswich teams have a picture, roster, short story and box scores.

All 25 State B Tournaments are also featured.

For information on purchasing a book e-mail [email protected] or call 605-426-6444.


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