The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune

March 15, 1928 edition


Seventy five were in attendance at the P. T. A. meeting Monday evening when Dr. M. C. Haecker, of Waubay secretary of the South Dakota Social Hygiene association gave an address.

Dr. Haecker gave a forceful address on the subject of Social Hygiene education. This is a vital question and the parents were interested in hearing a discussion.

The association voted a $10 membership to the founders fund of the South Dakota Social Hygiene association.

Lawrence Countryman played a mandolin solo; Delores Childers and Fern Wilcox sang a duet. John C. Clemens had as his subject, the Smith-Hughes bill.

Ipswich Township had charge of the program and did itself credit in its execution. Mrs. Wm. Thielen, Mrs. A. L. Beardsley, Mrs. Ed Lass, Mrs. W. Brown, Mrs. Benj. Jones and Mrs. A. M. Engler was the committee in charge of serving the refreshements of doughnuts and coffee.

The District Eight Convention of the P. T. A. meets March 28 at Aberdeen. Mrs. John Evald, president of the local organization has appointed Mrs. H. A. Briggs, Mrs. M. Plin Beebe, Mrs. A. M. Engler and Mrs. John Fear as delegates. It is urged that all members or persons interested attend.


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