Girls Staters

Two Ipswich students will attend South Dakota Girls State May 31 to June 5 at the University of South Dakota in Vermillion.

The 2021 IHS juniors chosen as Girls Staters are Chloe Jager and Holly Anderson.

South Dakota Girls State was founded in Mitchell in 1947. It met regularly each year on the campus of Dakota Wesleyan University until 1985, when it was moved to the campus of South Dakota State University, Brookings. The program was moved to USD in 2002.

It is under the sponsorship of South Dakota Department of the American Legion Auxiliary.

From an enrollment of 117 girls in 1947, Girls State has grown to the present enrollment of over 480.

Boys State and Girls State are summer leadership and citizenship programs for high school juniors, which focus on exploring the mechanics of American government and politics.


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