The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune

April 12, 1928 edition


$435 Already Guaranteed by the Local Business Men-Meetings to be Held Soon

Ipswich is to have a baseball team this year. A committee is interviewing the business men to secure a guarantee fund to put the proposition across and the response is very favorable.

Irl Oakes of Loyalton has been secured as pitcher. Several catchers are in line for this position but have not been definitely decided upon.

The diamond will be located in Jaquith’s pasture south of the tracks.

It is planned to have two games each week.

We are glad to see Ipswich enter into the national sport and trust the fans will give the team their loyal support.

Baseball, like all athletics, has its place in developing a spirit of good sportsmanship and loyalty.


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