The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune

June 28, 1928 edition


J. W. Parmley will present a fine pony riding bridle to the boy and girl of the county who on the Fourth of July has the best kept and trained Shetland pony loaned by or bought of him. Children from the country who want their ponies to be fresh for the days activities may bring them to Mr. Parmley’s yard the day before where they will be well cared for. All having ponies within twenty miles of Ipswich are expected to have them in. They may take them home again but if too long a trip they can remain until next day. Judging will be done by a competent horseman and award make when the athletic program is on. It is hoped that every “kid having a pony will have it in prime condition.

Mr. Parmley insists on one condition that not over five boys and girls attack him at one time with the question, “Can I have a pony?”


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