The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune

July 19, 1928 edition


John Steen held the lucky number, 3999, which won the New Plymouth Chrysler coach given away by the Elstad Post American Legion, the winner paying Lass Bros the sum of $1.00.

This project was sponsored by the Arch committee of the Legion, Ed Lass, James Harris and William Thieien. Tickets for the ball game, July 18 were sold which entitled the bearer to admission to the game and also a number on the car.

Much enthusiasm was worked up over the affair, tickets being sold in all the surrounding towns. On Wednesday, a large crowd gathered to witness the game between Ipswich and the Aberdeen American Legion team, also to learn who won the car.

A revolving wheel with numbers arranged so as to represent units, tens, hundredths and thousandths had been covered. As the wheel spun, Mr. McCarter, Dr. Hill and a man from Aberdeen and one from Bowdle shot at these covered numbers, the ones being hit proved to be 3999. John Steen holding this number therefore was the winner of the car. An interesting fact about the number also is that it was the last ticket sold.

$500 was cleared for the arch fund. $300 of which will be used for construction purposes and $200 for the memorial plate for the soldiers.

The Legion wishes to thank all those who contributed so generously to this enterprise.


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