Angel Tree benefits Avantara residents

The past year or more has been particularly hard on residents of Avantara nursing home due to the restricted visitation and many residents don't have family close by to make Christmas special.

This year the Wily Wizards 4-H Club is sponsoring an angel tree at the Courthouse for the residents. The tree will be set up on Wednesday, November 24 and decorated with angels. There will be one wooden angel for each resident of Ipswich Avantara and on the back is a list of their wants and needs.

If you would like to help, pick an angel, purchase a gift for them, and return it to the courthouse with the wooden angel attached. Do not wrap the gift but gift bags would be appreciated. Return the gifts by December 13 so that they can be delivered to Avantara and distributed.

Make this Holiday season brighter for the Avantara residents.


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