Soil Health Clinic planned on January 11 in Ipswich

The Edmunds County Conservation District Annual Soil Health Clinic will be held on Jan. 11, 2022 in the Ipswich School Theatre from 5 to 9 p.m.

Guest speakers are Anthony Bly and Ken Vlieger.

Bly is a SDSU Extension Soil Field Specialist. He has 25 years of agronomy experience, with soil fertility, soil testing, soil health and crop research.

Vlieger is a NRCS State Soil Health Specialist. He has worked in North Dakota and South Dakota for 17 years working with producers and agencies.

The event is free with a meal which is sponsored by Millborn Seed. The meal is catered by the Shagan Pit BBQ.

RSVP’s are appreciated. Reply by Jan. 4 by calling the ECCD office 605-426-6701 x3 or 909-241-6537 (cell).


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