COVID hits Ipswich families, one story shared

Several local residents have experienced COVID-19. Beckie Mower has written a letter to share her experiences.

January 7, 2022

From my caregiving station at home,

New years’ resolution… clear the cob webs out of my head and start anew.

December 28th, I had a scheduled gall bladder removal, the snowball builds from there.

Operation went well but, doctor said gallbladder infected and twice the size. He also took two biopsies of my liver. Sore, tough night at home and next day our son Matt calls and says,” Mom we were all there for Christmas and we all have covid. I thought I had a head cold. The kids just got their shots that day we arrived. It’s a mess, Mom.”

McKensie and family go get tested. Jarret and Elaina positive.

What the hey? We were all up on shots and Bill and I both had Covid a year ago. We only had a two-day small Christmas gathering. I guess we let our guard down.

Bill takes us in for testing. My oxygen is low. Fresh surgery and Covid don’t mix so I’m off to emergency room with oxygen tank in tow. Husband driving, my right side screaming.

Lower right lung pneumonia, positive test result. “You are staying here ma’am.” Said the ER doctor, but I’ve got to find you a room and a nurse.” Bill by my side, 6 hours later I’m in a hospital ICU room.

Yes, they gown up. Yes, they double mask. Yes, they even have there own breathing apparatus. So kind, so caring, so shorthanded.

So, a shout out and hugs to all who have prayed, helped in any way, took covid tests in the -30 degree clinic parking lot, and do way more than just punch a patient medical chart! We thank you, the Mower’s.

Send your own story in. Back in my Mom’s day she said, let the world know how you’re feeling. Its not gossip, it’s not complaining. It’s just the the way it is. I liked those days.

- Mrs. Beckie Mower


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