Malsam Benefit Sunday in Roscoe, plans include Bingo and German meal

A benefit for Brandon Malsam is planned on Sunday, March 13 in the Roscoe Legion.

Bingo will begin at 1:30 p.m. Four rounds will be played with five games in each round. You can join at the start of any round.

A free-will offering German-style meal will be served beginning at about 4:45 p.m.

If you would like to donate a prize for the Raffle contact Deanne Hoyle 605-380-2650 or Nichole Beyers 605-380-7290. Raffle tickets are available at several locations in Ipswich, Roscoe and Hosmer. See the ad in this week's newspaper for a list of the locations to purchase raffle tickets.

An account has been set up at the First State Bank of Roscoe for monetary donations.

Brandon Malsam worked out of the Ipswich Valley office. He was taken by ambulance from Ipswich to Aberdeen on January 18. He was flown by helicopter to St. Paul, Minn. later that night.

His mother, Jackie Malsam, said Brandon is now in the rehab wing of the hospital. Brandon has been in Allina Health United Hospital in St. Paul, Minn. since January 18.

"Brandon still has many obstacles to overcome to return to a normal life," she said.

He receives daily services for physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. He is still being fed by the feeding tube in his stomach, Jackie said. They are working on getting him to swallow small amounts of liquid and try to introduce some solid foods.

"Brandon might be able to come home this weekend," she said. "They feel that being at home might help him make greater progress with his therapy."

Once Brandon is home he will require daily trips to Aberdeen for medical services, plus he will still receive physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy in Aberdeen on a daily basis.


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