The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune

September 20, 1928 edition

Celebrate their Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary

Not a “companionate” but a companionable marriage has been the union of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sloucm aged couple of Belle Township who celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary on Monday, September 17, 1928 on their farm ten miles northeast of Ipswich.

They celebrated the day with an “anniversary sale” selling at public auction all their household goods and farm equipment. Two weeks ago they sold their farm for $10,000 cash to Michael Fischer-the reward for forty-five years of hard labor. They considered the time well spent and greatly regret to leave the farm which has been their home for so many years. But old age has made it necessary for them to quit farming, and they will soon leave for Lincoln, Nebr. where they will live with their daughters.

Mr. and Mrs. Slocum were married on September 17, 1868 in Lima County, Wisconsin at the home of Mrs. Slocum’s father. In 1883 they came to Dakota Territory and settled in Belle Township, Edmunds County. Bell township is named after their daughter Belle who was the first pupil to attend a private school started in June 1883.

Five children were born to them, one boy and four girls, two girls dying in infancy. The son now resides at Vermillion and the two daughters in Lincoln, Nebr.

Mr. Sloucm is 81 years old and his wife a year younger. In commenting on their ages, Mr Sloucm said they had done “not so bad.”

When asked about their sixty years of married life, Mr. Sloucm remarked, “I wish Mrs. Sloucm would tell you as I’ve often wondered what she thought about the partnership. You see we did not agree all the time. Sometimes one was right; sometimes the other, sometimes the subject was never settled for we stopped talking and forgot it.

In the above expression is a world of advice to a lot of young married couples in the United States who are seeking divorces on flimsy excuses. If they would stop talking and forget their troubles doubtless there would be less divorces.


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