Best and Brightest of 2022 recognized for academic excellence

The best and brightest from the Class of 2022 were recognized for their academic achievements during their high school career.

On May 9, Governor Kristi Noem and the Associated School Boards of South Dakota (ASBSD) honored students who were identified as the top one percent of their senior class, from the state's Public, Private and Tribal/BIE schools as part of the 32nd Annual Academic Excellence Recognition event.

Students designated as their high school's honoree(s) received a certificate, South Dakota pin and the opportunity to meet and have their photo taken with Governor Noem. The Ipswich honoree was Trevor Beyers. Emma Beyers was the Edmunds Central senior honored.

"I am just so proud of you and all your academic accomplishments. I think it's phenomenal the way you've applied yourself," Gov. Noem shared with students during the event, adding the state is "committed to you and what you'd like to do in your future."

"We want you to achieve the highest level of your dreams."

ASBSD President Eric Stroeder added the hope is for these special students to share their talents with the people of South Dakota in the future.

"Many of us hope you will stay in South Dakota and become the next generation of leaders for our state," Stroeder said.

"We need your talents and skills. We need your ideas and creativity. We need you to continue to push our great state forward."

The event was sponsored by the School Administrators of South Dakota, South Dakota Board of Regents, South Dakota Education Association and Wellmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield.


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