Boys and Girls Staters start week on Memorial Day

Ipswich has four students who will be delegates at Girls or Boys State this year.

Evan Onken is a Boys State delegate and Baylee Kulesa, Quincy Olivier and Ashlyn Weig are Girls State delegates.

The American Legion Department of South Dakota reports that high school boys from across the state of South Dakota will be arriving in Aberdeen on Monday, May 30, 2022, as the 79th annual session of the South Dakota American Legion Boys State will convene on the campus of Northern State University. The program will conclude Friday, June 3.

Over 200 high school students who have just completed their junior (or senior year for 2022), will arrive on the NSU campus on May 30 for registration and the opening of the American Legion Boys State in South Dakota.

The Girls State delegates will attend South Dakota Girls State May 30 to June 4 at the University of South Dakota in Vermillion.

South Dakota Girls State was founded in Mitchell in 1947. It met regularly each year on the campus of Dakota Wesleyan University until 1985, when it was moved to the campus of South Dakota State University, Brookings. The program was moved to USD in 2002.

It is under the sponsorship of South Dakota Department of the American Legion Auxiliary.

South Dakota American Legion Boys State started in Aberdeen in 1940 and continued through 1942. World War II made it necessary to drop the activity from 1943-1945, but in 1946 South Dakota American Legion Boys State was resumed.

Boys State and Girls State are summer leadership and citizenship programs for high school juniors, which focus on exploring the mechanics of American government and politics.

The Ipswich delegates are sponsored by the Ipswich American Legion and Auxiliary and Ipswich Commercial Club.


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