Weather extremes

More extreme rain events for May in the last 47 years

2010: Rainfall high at 5.51 in 10 rain events with several severe storms – On the 22nd the Ipswich area lucked out with 1.71 moisture and no severe storms but McPherson & northern Brown counties experienced tornados, strong winds & hail which caused a lot of damage – Down power lines from these storms to the north of us caused power outages in Ipswich for 10 hours – On the 24th and 29th Ipswich experience severe weather from strong winds that caused a lot of tree damage along with .66 of rain on the 24th and 1.60 on the 29th – Relatively mild weather in April with little rainfall allowed most crop seeding to be completed before these rains in May.

2015: Unbelievable rainfall of 8.20 in 12 rain events that were spread out through the month – Most rain occurred on the 10th (2.10), 17th (2.02) & 28th (1.36) –Again like 2010, a mild and dry April allowed most crops to be seeded before these heavy rains began. The 8.20 is a record for May that I have recorded.

2004: This last weather event of 47 Mays was not a rain event – On the late afternoon of May 29th a tornado was sighted and photographed on the ground a little southwest of Ipswich but no damage was reported – Civil defense sirens were activated.

(Summary of May weather and the beginning of June weather comes next week)


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