Weather June Summaries

June is Ipswich’s highest precip. month at an average of 3.59. The average of 3.59 is maintained because there has been many months of June that have had extreme amounts of rain. In fact, there have been more months (27 out of 47) that haven’t exceeded the average of 3.59. So extreme amounts is what maintains this average. The following are some of these extreme amounts:

1975: Above normal of rainfall at 5.29 from 13 days of recorded precip. The biggest amount of this moisture (3.58) occurred during the middle nights of the month all in thunderstorms.

1978: Very high precip. at 6.73 from 11 days of thunderstorms with the highest of 2.01 on the 29th which extended into the 30th with another 1.36.

1984: High precip. at 6.05 from 12 days of thunderstorms – Most came from 1.10 on the 4th and 1.26 on the 16th – One severe storm on the 5th with hail and strong winds.

1989: Precip. high at 5.91 from 9 days of recorded moisture – Two afternoon thunderstorms on the 11th (2.34) and 28th (2.71) accounted for the most of the total.

1990: 13 days of rain added to a total of 6.71 all in thunderstorms – Most precip was on the 2nd (1.52) and 15th (2.44).

1999: 11 days of recorded precip. which totaled 5.13 – Rainfall fairly spread out over the whole month – All moisture occurred in thunderstorms.

(Next week the remainder of the extreme June rain events)


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