Conservation Districts to aid producers with cover crops

Edmunds and McPherson County Conservation Districts have a new program available to assist producers with the planting of cover crops.

Cover crops are valued for their benefits to soil health as they provide soil cover, living roots and diversity to a traditional cropping system. The districts are targeting low performing or problem areas for growers, specifically wet and saline acres. Planting cover crops adds organic matter, combats compaction through root action, and improves water infiltration. By improving water infiltration, salts can move deeper into the soil profile, rather than being left behind on the soil surface following evaporation.

Producers will be able to choose a cover crop mix that works for their operation and the districts will cost share a portion of the seed. The districts will provide funding for up to 80 acres of cover crops. The growers are encouraged to plant additional acres as needed to address soil health concerns. These acres can be grazed in the fall if allowing adequate time for regrowth but cannot be hayed. Producers should consult with their crop insurance agent to determine if any restrictions apply.

If you are interested in the program, call the Ipswich Office at (605) 426-6701 or Leola Office at (605) 439-3336 for more information or to enroll. Funds will be allocated after July 1, 2022.


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