FSA News & Views

Dates to Remember

June 15 — COC nomination period began for LAA #3.

July 4 — Office closed in observance of Independence Day.

July 15 — Deadline to report yields for 2021 ARC-IC Farms.

July 15 — Acreage reporting deadline. Please call the office for an appt!!!!!!!!

July 15 — 2021 NAP production reporting deadline.

July 22 — Emergency Relief Program (ERP) Phase 1 deadline.

August 1 — Deadline to return County Committee nomination form.

Weeds, Water and Wind If you are enrolled in any FSA programs whether it is ARC/PLC or CRP, you must protect all cropland and noncropland acres on the farm from wind and water erosion and noxious weeds.  By signing the contracts, you agree to effectively control noxious weeds on the farm according to sound agricultural practices.  If you fail to take the necessary actions to correct a maintenance problem on your farm, the County Committee may elect to terminate your contract for the program year.  

CRP and Primary Nesting Season The primary nesting season started MAY 1st and runs through August 1st. Mid Contract Management activities need to be on hold until this timeline lapses.  During the primary nesting season, producers need to refrain from mowing or spraying unless you contact FSA to receive permission for a spot spray or mowing of weeds.

Socially Disadvantaged, Limited Resource, Beginning and Veteran Farmer or Rancher If you are a socially disadvantaged, limited resource, veteran or beginning farmer, please contact the office to file a CCC-860 form. Having this form on file provides benefits for certain Farm Service Agency programs. 

USDA Reminds Producers

to File Crop Acreage Reports

Agricultural producers who have not yet completed their crop acreage reports after spring planting should make an appointment with the Edmunds County Farm Service Agency (FSA) before the July 15 deadline.

An acreage report documents a crop grown on a farm or ranch and its intended uses. Filing an accurate and timely acreage report for all crops and land uses, including failed acreage and prevented planted acreage, can prevent the loss of benefits.

Nominations Open for the 2022 County

Committee Elections

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) encourages all farmers, ranchers, and FSA program participants to take part in the Edmunds County Committee election nomination process.

FSA’s county committees are a critical component of the day-to-day operations of FSA and allow grassroots input and local administration of federal farm programs.

Committees are comprised of locally elected agricultural producers responsible for the fair and equitable administration of FSA farm programs in their counties. Committee members are accountable to the Secretary of Agriculture. If elected, members become part of a local decision making and farm program delivery process.

A county committee is composed of three to 11 elected members from local administrative areas (LAA). Each member serves a three-year term.

County committees may have an appointed advisor to further represent the local interests of underserved farmers and ranchers. Underserved producers are beginning, women and other minority farmers and ranchers and landowners and/or operators who have limited resources.

All nomination forms for the 2022 election must be postmarked or received in the local USDA Service Center by Aug. 1, 2022. For more information on FSA county committee elections and appointments, refer to the FSA fact sheet: Eligibility to Vote and Hold Office as a COC Member available online at: fsa.usda.gov/elections.

For more information contact, contact your local County USDA Service Center or visit fsa.usda. gov.


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