Conservation District bus trip starts at Ipswich office

Make plans to attend the Menoken Farms Bus Tour on July 26, 2022. The Campbell, Edmunds, McPherson, and Walworth County Conservation Districts are collaborating to host a bus day trip to Menoken Farms, just east of Bismarck, N.D.

Menoken Farm is a 150-acre demonstration farm owned and operated by Burleigh County Soil Conservation District. The farm is set up to trial various conservation practices and educate others on natural resources conservation. The overall goal of the farm is to improve soil health and practice regenerative agriculture. The farm works towards these goals by incorporating livestock, cover crops, and various rotational systems. This year, the farm is featuring high tunnel and outdoor gardens, a vermiculture compost study, cover crops, wider spacing of cash crops, soil monitoring sensors, and dual cropping.

The cost of the tour is free and includes a lunch. The bus will depart from Ipswich and Leola early in the morning and pick up participants in Herreid and Selby. The buses will return home later that evening. All are welcome to attend. To register for the tour or for more information, call your local district office or sign up using the following link


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