July Weather history

The average high for July is 84 degrees and low is 60 which makes it the hottest month of a year for Ipswich. It also is the month that has the most 100 plus degree days which is 34 in 47 years.

Some hot months in these 47 months of July are as follows:

1988: Extreme hot July with an average high temp. of 93° – 12 days in the 80s, 10 in the 90s and 8 in the 100s with 103 on the 4th & 5th the hottest – Hottest month on record.

2006: Extreme hot July with an average high temp. of 92° – 12 days in the 80s, 12 in the 90s and 6 in the 100s with 111 on the 15th the hottest day I have ever recorded – This day was followed by 108 on the 16th.

1975: Extreme hot July with an average high temp. of 91° – 9 days in the 80s, 17 in the 90s and 3 in the 100s with 106 on the 28th the hottest.

2017: Hot July with an average high temp. of 89° – 18 days in the 80s, 8 in the 90s and 3 in the 100s with 102 on the 9th the hottest.

1989: Hot July with an average high temp. of 88° – 16 days in the 80s, 12 in the 90s and 1 in the 100s.

Some cool months in these 47 months of July are as follows:

1992: Cool July with an average high temp. of 73° – 8 days in the 60s, 17 days in the 70s and 6 days in the 80s.

1993: Cool July with an average high temp. of 75° – 6 days in the 60s, 18 days in the 70s and 7 days in the 80s.

1996: Cool July with an average high temp. of 80° – No days in the 60s but 15 in the 70s and 16 in the 80s.

1990: Cool July with an average high temp. of 81° – No days in the 60s but 10 in the 70s and 21 in the 80s.

(Next week I will deal with precip. for July.)


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