The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune January 31, 1929 edition


Chiropractic is the Science of common sense applied to the human machine, and the art of adjusting the machine Health and the Art of adjusting the cause of the disease. Every effect MUST HAVE A CAUSE. Disease IS AN EFFECT. If you wish the effect to cease, get a chiropractor to adjust the cause, and health will follow.

Modern scientific research proves that approximately when it is out of order. It is the Science of 95 percent of all disturbances of the human structure follow nerve compression. The most frequent cause of nerve compression is a misplacement of bones that make up the spinal column, from between which the nerves pass as they leave the spinal cord.

When this nerve compression is removed by the Chiropractor, the cause of your disease is removed. And that is why CHIROPRACTIC GETS YOU WELL.

Your Chiropractor is an Institution of Health, go to him when ill.

In new location downstairs, two blocks west of Herrick & Jackson corner.

Dr. O. F. Mater

Ipswich, S.D.


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